Three Things

1) I woke up this morning to hear Simeon yelling, “Look out the window!” which can only mean one thing: SNOW! Yippeee!! Too bad there wasn’t enough to keep me from going to work today. Oh well, another time.

2) Lindsay is just about the cutest thing in the world. Heather mentioned a few things this morning, but I have to add a conversation she and I had during dinner last night:

Lindsay: Auntie Carrie can I have a nap please?
Me: Can you eat one more bite of your dinner first?
Lindsay: How about…one more blue M&M?

Needless to say, she only stayed up a little while longer before taking a “nap” in the guest bedroom.

3) Since Lost wasn’t new last night and it would be a crime to waste the great company and fabulous accommodations, we watched the TiVoed Natalie Portman SNL rap several times. Once we were all laughing so hard we couldn’t contain ourselves and “I never said I was a role model” had been quoted numerous times, I hit the “Live TV” button on my TiVo remote. What popped up was an unexpected blessing and a curse at the same time: America’s Next Top Model. The first episode in a new season. Megan, Kerry, and I tortured the boys, making them watch the silly poses, the snide judge commentary, the gay one-liners, and even the boob grabs (thought that part didn’t seem to bother them). And now, sadly I am hooked once again! Oh Tyra! How could you do this to me?! But to commemorate the occasion, I dedicate this to Megan and Kerry.
Shirt courtesy of CafePress!

Thanks for the laughs ladies! Shall we make this a regular thing?

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