Amusing and Annoying

How to amuse me:
Tell me you forgot your keys at work so you dig mine out of my purse. And take them ALL. Forgetting that we do not carpool on Fridays and I need my own keys to drive to work.

How to annoy me:
Don’t answer your cell phone when I am trying to call you to tell you to turn on the radio because they are playing that weird song you and your brother always sing together.

How to amuse me:
Blame the fact that you didn’t answer your phone on that fact that I simply didn’t call you. “Look! I don’t have any missed calls!” So it must not have actually happened. Obviously.

How to annoy me:
Forget my Starbucks drink order. Hello! There are only two options: grande vanilla chai or grande white chocolate mocha. I order the mocha when I need the caffeine for headaches. Like the one I have today.

How to amuse me:
Refer to me as “Mrs. Sim” because I only go to Starbucks once a day as opposed to the four (or five) times my husband does, so the employees there don’t know me by name.

3 thoughts on “Amusing and Annoying

  1. ohhhh, bummer about the keys! But hey, see, the phone thing happens to you too! I DO call you and you say it doesn’t show any missed calls! 😉

  2. eeek! sounds like a friday….i’m defnitely having one too. totally a day to start drinking at 10am. although it is nice that your husband can buy you coffee during the workday :). me, i’m trapped with gobs of teenagers! see you both on sunday!

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