I hate it…

…when I am talking to a customer service person on the phone and then, out of no where, they put me on hold without telling me first. Jeez. That is so RUDE.

…when I am organizing several events at a time and of the 20 or so people I have invited, only 4 have RSVPed. Total. Will someone please tell me, did being polite go out of style? Urgh! So frustrating.

…when our client management database at work is “unavailable” due to extra long processing times. Ok, I understand if it’s taking you a long time to update the info, and therefore it would be yesterdays figures. That makes sense to me. But taking away the entire database so I am left with NOTHING. That makes no sense whatsoever. Morons.

…when people are either very, very late or show up unannounced. Hello! Heard of a telephone? Try calling and letting people know. It would be the courtious thing to do. Manners, anyone?

Ok, I feel better now. Go on with your day. It’s FRIDAY! Wahhhooooo!

One thought on “I hate it…

  1. I unRSVP’d the day of, is that worth anything?? Probably not since I forgot to rsvp in the first place. And no, being polite has not gone out of style, we just suck… But good to know that I am not the only sucky one. 🙂

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