Blame the chiropractor

I went to the chiropractor yesterday in further attempts to solve the problems I have been having with my shoulders and knees. I have always been a firm believer in modern medicine, but when their response to my pain was “Don’t do things that make it worse and take Advil when it hurts.” I started to get a little skeptical. So I thought I might look into some more natural, alternative care.

I had Sim check our insurance to see if chiroractic care was covered before I spent all our money on something that might work. Turns out it’s just a co-pay, the same as a doctors visit. Excellent. So I made a call based on a recommendation from a lady in Sim’s office.

The office was adorable, the staff was friendly and the doctor really seemed to know what he was talking about. He poked, prodded, and twisted me. Then it was time to take some X-rays. He asked me if there was a chance I was pregnant. I said I really wasn’t sure, I was kinda in the gray zone (cross your fingers for me!) and I wouldn’t know for another week or so. So he walked across the room and handed me a lead apron to wrap around my stomach area and said, “To protect little Sammy and Susie.” He paused and looked over at me and added, “And Johnny. Just incase you have triplets in there.” I laughed a little and said, “I hope not!”

But just so you all know, if I happen to have a multiple birth, we can all blame the chiropractor for that one.

4 thoughts on “Blame the chiropractor

  1. Hee hee hee. The thought of you with twins or triplets makes me chuckle. With the clean-freakness that you posess, I think you might possibly go insane having to keep TWO babies AND your house and all of that clean! I can’t wait ’til you do have at least one though! Get busy you two! 😉

  2. That man’s business would go up though. A man who could give you multiple births! Well maybe it’d go down but I’d go to him. I wouldn’t mind twins, fraternal boy and girl, and get the pregnancies all done at once. Good luck with that! (one or more)

  3. Well young lady-i asked you if anything new was going on on Wed….you said no….I think that possible babies are big news! How did the follow up to Dr. Spine go?

  4. Sammy Bateman
    Susie Bateman
    Johnny Bateman

    They all have a nice ring to them, don’t ya think?

    Good luck with the chiro. Hope you get some relief.

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