
Wow! All I can say is I was actually surprised. For those of you who don’t know, my lovely husband threw me a surprise party for my birthday. Well, to be totally honest, he had to, since it is a standing tradition in my family that for your 25th birthday, you get a surprise party. Which makes it harder and harder to actually surprise the person. But my honey sure did surprise me.

My weekend was following the itinerary to a tee up to the point where we came home from lunch with my boss. We pulled into the garage of my (seemingly) quiet house and I grabbed the leftover cake from lunch and headed inside…to find about twenty people in my family room! I just about threw the cake in the air because I thought I was being robbed. Then once they all shouted “SURPRISE!!” I realized it was just my family and friends breaking into my house, bringing food and gifts to celebrate ME! So I guess you could say we stuck right to the plan of making the day ALL ABOUT ME!!

Well, to be totally honest, I must admit that I kinda had my suspicions about the party. All the phone calls in which Simeon would wander out of the room, the fact that practically no one called me to wish me a happy birthday, how Simeon took a lot longer time getting home on Friday after work, etc. all kinda tipped me off. But then I started thinking that maybe I was just wanting him to throw me a party so much that I was imagining it all. And not wanting to be disappointed if he didn’t plan anything, I quickly dismissed it. However I was totally shocked to have all those people at my house when I returned. If anything, I figured he would have had them all meet us at a restaurant that evening when he was going to take me out to dinner. So it was a very good thing that I was dressed in a cute outfit and actually wearing make-up when he decided to have the party (unlike when we returned from breakfast that morning!).

All in all it was a great party. There was tons of food and most of my family (we all missed you, Darcie!) was there, including a couple of my friends. I know that due to circumstances beyond their control, my other friends would have been there too. But you guys all filled my inbox with e-cards and birthday wishes that totally made up for the fact that you couldn’t make it. Don’t worry, I forgive you all!

There aren’t too many pictures, you know, since I was kinda being the center of attention and trying to get my shit together after the big surprise thing. But what I did manage to remind Simeon to take, I will upload tonight and get those on here tomorrow. But I wanted to thank each and every one of you for being in my life. You all make it fabulous and I can’t imagine it without ya. To another year, baby! I love you guys!

One thought on “Surprise!

  1. Happy Birthday Carrie! And good job to Sim, pulling off a surprise party that is to be expected is impressive! I did it once for Husband and one of our best friends and have vowed to never do it again!

    That is so funny that you mention the age bracket thing. That is one of the first things I noticed and was annoyed with. I was glad about being out of the 18 bracket but felt that I should still be in the lower 20’s bracket. Oh well, there will be many more annoying things to come than that.

    Happy 25th!

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