I’m clumsy…and other reasons why you love me

I just went into the bathroom and as I walked into the stall, knocked my shoulder directly into the door frame. Ouch. Then proceeded, moments later, to choke on just air. *Sigh* But at least I didn’t get sprayed this time.

So I have finished all my blog reading for the day. I haven’t done that in a long time. Now I just keep cycling through my fave reads to see if any of you have updated, but you haven’t. Clearly everyone else has a life and I do not. Things are just slow here in the summer time. Which really sucks, because as soon as I leave work I have a million things to do and rarely am able to get through them all.

This is rather evident by my very over-grown yard. Well, that is not entirely true. Husband mows the lawn, but more often than not the task of weeding and anything remotely considered “gardening” falls into my lap. And oh how I loathe gardening. I just don’t get why so many people like it. I mean, first of all, its outside, and its HAWT out there. The sun and I do not get along. Then you go and throw in the getting dirty part. Ewww. I am not a fan of the bugs either. And don’t even get me started on all the spider webs (spiders I could stand, cause they keep all the other bugs in check, but the webs really creep me out). Oh well, maybe its one of those things you grow into. Like enjoying your vegetables. Hmmmm. If thats the case, I may never appreciate it.

On the more exciting and geeky front, (less on the whiney front, sorry about all that) we are spicing up our Wednesday Night dinner this week. Thats right, we are taking the show on the road. We are going to Mississippi Pizza to catch a Harry and the Potters show. How freakin’ cool is that?? They sing songs about the books. They are absolutely dorky and adorable at the same time. You can listen to a few of their songs here. I think Save Ginny Weasley is my personal favorite. Sim and I actually caught ourselves singing it in the car this morning. God, I love that my husband appreciates all my geekiness. Its not quite the caliber of his, and a bring something a little different to the table, but we are quite the pair, are we not?

5 thoughts on “I’m clumsy…and other reasons why you love me

  1. Yep, they are brothers. And they were the most hysterical thing I have ever seen! I loved every second of it. 🙂

  2. Sorry that I haven’t been blogging lately! I’ve got my hands full with a 5 month old and 20,000 projects. I really really really need to get on it though, I have so much stuff to tell. Oh yeah…dinner?

  3. Ah, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one have problems entering and exiting the bathroom.

    And I’m with you on the gardening. Don’t like it, don’t get it, buying an apartment with a concrete courtyard was a bonus rather than a problem for me!

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