Help me understand

Ok, I need some help understanding something. Panhandlers. Particularly the ones who stand on the freeway on ramps. You know the ones; they wear their dirtiest, most ragged clothes, put on a pathetic face and hold a cardboard sign saying something like, “Injured Vet. Need food, work, or money. God Bless.” or “Everyone needs a little help sometimes.”

Today I was driving on to Hwy 217 and there was a teenager dressed in his nicest suit, sporting a cocky smile and holding a (very well made, I might add) sign that said, “Need money for college.” Are you kidding me? Why would any one give him money? I would rather give the guy on the next on ramp down my spare change. After all, he does have a pretty skinny dog I wouldn’t mind supporting.

Where do you all stand on this issue? Am I alone in this?

One thought on “Help me understand

  1. Grrrrr, I have issues with panhandlers too. I thought they were just kind of annoying, but actually learned today that it’s completely illegal and that yes, they do in fact occasionally get cited for it by the cops! Wow, imagine that! We have a TON of panhandlers here for not being a huge city and it does start to drive me nuts, especially when they’re mean if you don’t give them anything.

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