Queen of Procrastination

Ok, I am just gonna lay it all out on the table.

I am a total slacker today.

I just cannot get myself to do, well, anything. It may be the fact that I just read about Carole’s daily routine, or that there is a project sitting in my inbox that I really do not want to do, but I just keep getting distracted. I just keep telling myself, “Ok I’ll read one more blog and then I will do it” or, “Let me just check my email first” and now I just looked over at the clock, realized it was after 11am and I thought, “Hmmmmm. I haven’t blogged in awhile. I should go do that.” So here I am. Procrastinating.

It’s weird, because it’s usually not at all like me. Nothing sits in my inbox any longer than necessary. I just like to get things done. I am normally the Queen of Efficiency. If something takes too long, or isn’t working quite right, I redesign it, tweak it, if you will, until its just right. But not today. Today I am the Queen of Procrastination.

And you know what? I think I kinda like it!!

3 thoughts on “Queen of Procrastination

  1. Ha ha! I laughed out loud when I saw that you had called yourself the queen of procrastination! As if. 😉 Like you said, you’re the queen of efficiency, but I think it’s good for you to have a lazy day here and there. Keeps ya balanced.

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