Ten Indications that I May be Obsessed with Harry Potter

1. While scrubbing potatoes last night, I was tempted to try a nice “Scourgify” spell.

2. I walked around with “Weasley is our King” (the Gryffindor version, of course!) stuck in my head all day yesterday.

3. While getting ready this morning, my husband, totally out of the blue, asked me, “So everyone knows that he is back now, right?” And I totally knew he was talking about Voldemort.

4. After dinner last night the conversation turned to how many O.W.L.s we thought Harry would get this summer.

5. I have actually dreamt about the long corridor that leads to the Department of Mysteries.

6. I check J.K. Rowling’s site daily to look for updates, information, and of course, to see if the door is open.

7. I think to myself “what a Muggle” when someone doesn’t know what I am talking about.

8. Whenever someone says “I have a few things to say.” I always think “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”

9. I have had a Harry Potter party and created my own recipes for Butterbeer, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Cockroach Clusters, and Chocolate Frogs. Mmmmmmm!

10. I have July 16th marked on the calendar and there is to be NOTHING planned that entire weekend. (If you have to ask why, you clearly are not obsessed with Harry Potter….)

7 thoughts on “Ten Indications that I May be Obsessed with Harry Potter

  1. The O.W.L. question is the one the burns the most for me–of course I’d read Half Blood Prince anyway, but that’s honestly the thing I’m most curious about. I suppose that’s silly.

  2. Another Harry Potter fan here. I wish I lived near you, you sound like a ton of my friends. I can’t get anyone to read HP around here, darn muggles. How can you NOT read HP???? Its a crime I tell you, a crime.


  3. Ha – that’s funny – I’ve actually had the Weasley song stuck in my head before – but that’s because you stuck it there Carrie… 🙂

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