Children make everything better

I don’t know why it is, but (most) things are better when children are involved. It may have something to do with their innocent perspective or blunt responses, but if a kid is around you can count on things being interesting.

Fingerprints, for example. Being who I am, I see fingerprints and I instantly want to clean. To scrub. To disinfect. But today in my office I wanted to preserve these fingerprints forever. Why, you ask? These particular fingerprints were near the candy bowl on the counter by our receptionist. And they were in caramel. This adorable little boy had eaten some left-over Easter candy and gotten caramel all over hands and you could see every little surface his tiny fingers had touched. It was precious. That moment perfectly preserved in caramel.

Then just a few moments ago I was walking past the three elevators in our building. A mother, a father, and their daughter were each waiting in front of different elevators, waiting to see whose door would open first. And when the doors opened in front of the little girl her eyes lit up and she squealed with delight. I know I have never been that excited to see an elevator. It truly takes a child to see things in a new light.

In most of the blogs I read these days, the topic has totally moved towards children. Whether its Dooce talking about Leta pressing her nose against her mother’s cheek, or Heather sharing how Lindsay entertains herself, or Chelle admiring Jacob’s lovely smile, or Peggy having a conversation with Nikolai. It just gets me thinking about taking that next step in my life and getting to be a Mommy. Don’t get too excited ladies; I am sticking to my schedule. But July is just around the corner….

3 thoughts on “Children make everything better

  1. There’s "Don’t knock it till you try it." and there’s also "Don’t extol it till you try it (on 2 hours of sleep with someone screaming at you)."
    Don’t get me wrong. I love my boys more than life itself. Yes, children are a joy, but not 24/7.

  2. I remember when…and I hope one day, when your 6 week old has kept you up since 3:30 am and is apparently inconsolable, that you can look back on this and remember this post, and see that there are rewards…someday… Baby boot camp can’t last forever, can it?

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